Coworking Business Tips

HubSpot CRM for coworking spaces

In coworking, community is everything. Your members don't just want a place to work, they want a place to belong. A place where they feel supported, connected, and able to thrive both personally and professionally. 

That's why choosing the right CRM (customer relationship management) platform is so critical. You need technology that helps you build meaningful relationships and create a sense of belonging for your members. 

Enter HubSpot.

That is exactly what we use here at Coworks, and it’s for one reason: HubSpot was designed to help companies deliver delightful customer experiences. And Coworks space management software integrates with HubSpot.

We don’t do it all by ourselves. Coworks has a HubSpot Certified Partner team called Vaulted that goes under the hood and helps it run smoothly for our company.

We asked Vaulted founder Matt Deal to share his thoughts on the platform.

Matt Deal Vaulted“One of the reasons I love HubSpot is that it provides teams a panoramic view of your business health — whether evaluating a marketing campaign or reviewing monthly sales figures,” Deal said. “It encapsulates a holistic snapshot of your business in a single, unified platform."

He continued, "I also appreciate how HubSpot can be transformational for teams — simplifying complex issues around customer support, sales, and marketing — and spotlighting what’s truly vital while sidelining the distractions.”

Any business that has a database of contacts can use HubSpot. And coworking businesses are no exception. While Coworks space management software includes a lightweight CRM leads database, in which admins can track leads and easily promote prospects to members, there is more to simply managing contacts.

So what makes HubSpot an excellent choice for a coworking space CRM?

“Just as coworking spaces are designed around community as well as individual needs, HubSpot is structured with people in mind,” Deal explained. “Whether it's tracking unique datapoints pertinent to your space (e.g., number of events attended in the past year) or segmenting your leads into distinct categories using lists (perhaps based on recent visits to your space), HubSpot provides a solid foundation to kickstart your efforts, paired with the flexibility to tailor its functionalities to the distinctive needs of coworking environments.”

HubSpot offers a centralized contacts database to store all your member information in one place. You can track details like:

- Name, company, location

- Contact info (email, phone, social media)  

- Membership status and history

- Interactions and touch points 

- Custom property fields to track member interests, needs, and more

Having all this data readily available helps you provide personalized experiences and anticipate member needs.

Email marketing and automation

HubSpot's email marketing makes it easy to engage with prospective and current members through targeted campaigns, newsletters, surveys ,and more. You can leverage automation to send emails based on certain behaviors or schedules. And coworking is a business where the more you can optimize and automate, the better. Coworks is one way to do that. HubSpot is another.

“HubSpot’s automation is a game-changer. It not only ensures a consistent brand experience but also amplifies your ability to engage with your audience. Consider the annual reminder email for tenants. Instead of manually sending it each year, you can automate the process, saving time and ensuring punctual communication.

The potential that automation offers coworking businesses is exciting. Here are some scenarios:

  1. Configure internal notifications: HubSpot gathers diverse data about your contacts. You can set up internal alerts, when a contact engages with your content, ensuring relevant actions are taken. For example, when a new person books a day pass. Coworks can automate the sale and transactional detail delivery. Then HubSpot takes over and puts that person into an email nurture sequence that ensures your coworking space stays top of mind.

  2. Send out surveys: Staying in tune with your customer base is crucial. HubSpot lets you auto-send surveys at set intervals or after specific events, like post-onboarding or after an anniversary, helping you stay proactive and connected.

  3. Encourage engagement: Automation can also help reengage leads in a timely. For instance, after a prospective member takes a tour, you can personalize outreach that invites them to upcoming events.

"These are the kind of automations that help coworking managers and operators save time and help them deliver a personalized experience.”

Landing pages and forms 

Coworks includes embeddable forms for memberships, meeting room booking, event RSVP, tours, and day passes. But you might have more ways that peple can interact with you: newsletters, local guides, event updates. Hubspot lets you quickly build customized landing pages to promote memberships, events, conferences, and other offerings.

HubSpot's forms allow you to easily collect leads, sign ups, and other information to fuel your sales and marketing. This is perfect for getting more visibility and attracting ideal members to your space.

"HubSpot seamlessly integrates with your current systems. Even if you're using a platform like WordPress, you can still incorporate HubSpot forms on your site. This means you can maximize your existing tech stack while integrating HubSpot into your sales, marketing, and service processes. Alternatively, HubSpot can be your comprehensive CRM and content management solution, streamlining your tech setup and operational management.”

Social media publishing 

Scheduling posts across multiple social media accounts can be very time consuming. While there are many tools out there that help you build out a calendar, it means adding one more subscription to your tech stack.

You can manage your coworking space's social media presence directly in HubSpot. Share blog posts, promote events, and engage with your audience across multiple channels like Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and more. 

This allows you to expand your reach, nurture leads, and strengthen relationships in places where your members are already active. And, most importantly, measure performance and get a more holistic view of your customer.

“HubSpot's integrated social media tools are a game-changer for businesses. Not only can you effortlessly manage both organic posts and paid campaigns from a single platform, but it also offers a unified view of your audience's engagement," Deal noted. "Many users have found it invaluable for addressing real-time queries, refining their brand messaging, and staying in tune with the evolving interests and concerns of their audience. “

HubSpot Sales Hub

For coworking spaces that offer dedicated office spaces or private suites, HubSpot CRM can power your sales process end-to-end. Features include:

  • Custom sales pipelines to map your workflow
  • Contact and deal management to track prospects
  • Email templates to follow up with leads
  • Activity logging to see interactions over time
  • Reporting to analyze your sales performance

“HubSpot is a strategic tool that enhances your sales team's efficiency, aligning with your growth objectives. It bridges the gap between marketing and sales, ensuring seamless collaboration. 

For instance, the marketing team would avoid sending promotional emails to someone in an active sales discussion. Meanwhile, the sales team can utilize HubSpot's marketing data to refine their approach with potential prospects, ensuring every interaction is targeted and effective.”

Analytics and reporting

Get a clear view of your coworking space's growth and engagement with HubSpot's built-in reporting. Analyze statistics like:

- Traffic sources 

- Lead generation

- Email campaign results

- Ticket volume and resolution

- Member acquisition

- Retention over time

“HubSpot reporting is a great way to learn more about your business, see underlying trends, and build a data-driven culture of decision making," Deal noted.

Here are some reports that he thinks are particularly valuable:

  • Contacts/Source. Where do your leads come from? That data is a critical part of improving and optimizing your revenue. For example, you could examine the effectiveness of attendee lists from various events that your space has hosted. Or determine your the ROI from a Facebook campaign. 
  • Lead Status. Half the value of a CRM is being able to give your team trustworthy information and data quickly and easily. Lead Status is a helpful field that categorizes and describe what a contact’s status is at any given time — easily conveying whether someone is in a sales conversation or just learning more about your space.
  • Content Insights. One of the most powerful ways to understand your audience better is to see what they’re reading, downloading, and watching from all the content you create. From reviewing your most popular blog posts to seeing which emails get the most click throughs, HubSpot visibility on content (and how it’s consumed) is a powerful data point that will effect your decisions and direction.

"The other component of HubSpot reporting that I like is that it’s accessible," Deal shared. "With a slew of preformed reports right out of the box and a bevy of support materials, HubSpot reporting is powerful enough to relevant but not overwhelming.”

Integrations and workflows 

Coworks software already makes it easy to sync member and interaction data between the space management system and HubSpot. This gives you full visibility into member activity so you can personalize your CRM targeting and campaigns.

Education and support resources

As a HubSpot user, you get access to an extensive knowledge base and active community forums. You can learn the platform inside and out with HubSpot's certification courses and guided product training.

“HubSpot thrives on community engagement," Deal said. "Whether it's local meet-ups spearheaded by partners like Vaulted, or the myriad of online platforms like Facebook groups, subreddits, and Slack channels, the spirit of collaboration and positivity is unparalleled compared to other CRMs.

“The other nice thing is that HubSpot invests a significant amount of resources in offering multiple ways to learn: live webinars, videos, blog posts and more.”

Whether you're getting started with the basics or ready to master high-level strategy, HubSpot provides the educational resources to make you successful. On top of that, you have an entire customer support team ready to quickly assist whenever needed.

“HubSpot is accessible for most organizations. Its user-friendly design, coupled with a wealth of educational content, ensures a swift learning curve, especially for those familiar with other CRMs. But a Certified HubSpot Partner can help you get where you want to go faster."

Collaborating with an official HubSpot Partner like Vaulted offers distinct advantages, as Deal explained:

  1. Accelerated adoption and implementation. Engaging with an official HubSpot partner can expedite your onboarding process, crucial for large teams that require comprehensive training across various CRM functionalities.
  2. Tailored to your needs. "At Vaulted, our extensive experience with HubSpot allows us to customize your account to fit the unique requirements of your coworking space. Whether it's configuring specific marketing workflows or creating properties to monitor contract durations, HubSpot's adaptability is vast."
  3. Optimizing HubSpot’s Potential. When leveraged correctly, HubSpot can be transformative, consolidating data and automation in a cohesive interface that drives tangible results.”

A CRM to build your coworking community

At its core, coworking is about people coming together in meaningful ways. Technology should enhance those human connections — not hinder them.

HubSpot delivers the right tools and insights you need to foster real community. To transform casual members into engaged regulars, and one-off renters into brand loyalists. Every interaction is an opportunity to help someone belong. Equipped with HubSpot as your CRM, you'll have everything required to build an environment where members thrive.

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