Coworks Blog

How it works: Discounts and promo codes for coworking spaces

Written by L Walker | Sep 26, 2024



Coworks just launched a feature that's about to make you feel like the Merlin of member management: discount codes and promo codes.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Aren't those the same thing?" Hold onto your ergonomic chairs, folks, because we're about to embark on a journey that'll make you the master of both. 

Discount Codes: your internal money-saving spell for flex space success

The discount code is your new best friend in the world of internal savings and community building.

Discount codes are like your secret handshake with your team and members. You create them, you control them, and you apply them on the backend. It's like having a magic wand that can instantly make your members' wallets a little happier and your space a lot fuller.

Here's what makes discount codes so useful for your flex space:

  1. Flexibility is the name of the game: Whether it's for day passes, hot desk memberships, or that fancy new private office that just became available, discount codes are your power move. Imagine offering a 20% discount on meeting room bookings for members who bring in new clients – hello, networking boost!

  2. Save it for a rainy day: Unlike those pesky line items that clutter up your team's workflow, discount codes can be saved and stored for future use. It's like a savings account, but for discounts! Create a "Rainy Day 50% Off" code for those slow months when you need to boost occupancy.

  3. Time is on your side: Want to offer a one-time discount for that awesome member who always organizes community lunches? Done. Need a recurring discount for your early-bird entrepreneurs who are in the space before 7 AM? Easy peasy. You can set these codes to be permanent, one-time, or repeating for a set amount of time. Think "Early Riser 10% Off" applied automatically every month.

  4. Expiration dates are your friend: Remember that time you found a coupon for free ice cream, only to realize it expired in 1997? Yeah, we've all been there. With discount codes, you can set a "redeem by" date, ensuring your offers stay fresh and relevant. Perfect for seasonal promotions like "Summer Startup Special" or "New Year, New Office" deals.

Promo Codes: your external marketing super tool for growth

Now, let's talk about promo codes — the extroverted cousin of discount codes. While discount codes live behind the scenes with coworking managers, promo codes are ready to party with the whole world and bring new faces to your coworking community.

Promo codes are your ticket to attracting new members and making your flex space the talk of the town. They're like a VIP pass that potential members can use to access your amazing deals and experience your vibrant community.

Here's why promo codes are about to become your new marketing BFF in the coworking world:

  1. Unique as a fingerprint: Each promo code is a special snowflake, a unique code that can be used to apply or redeem a specific discount. It's like giving out secret passwords to your coolest offers. Create a "TECHSTARTUP25" code for that tech meetup you're sponsoring next month.

  2. External appeal: While discount codes play it cool internally, promo codes are all about that external charm. They're perfect for non-members looking to dip their toes into your coworking wonderland through external bookings, day passes, or new plans. Advertise a "FIRSTMONTHFREE" promo code on local startup forums and watch the inquiries roll in.

  3. Control the party: Want to create a buzz without breaking the bank? You can set a limit on the number of times a promo code can be used. It's like being the bouncer at the hottest club in town, but instead of a velvet rope, you're managing access to your awesome deals. Offer a "FIRST10FREE" code for a premium event space booking, limited to the first 10 uses.

  4. The clock is ticking: Just like those limited-time offers that make us all panic-buy things we don't need, you can add an expiration date to your promo codes. It's the perfect way to create a sense of urgency and get those potential members through your doors. Launch a "48HOURSALE" promo code for a weekend blitz to fill up those last few office spaces.

When discount meets promo in flex space management

Discount codes and promo codes aren't just two separate features. They're a power couple that can transform your coworking space's pricing strategy and community growth.

Say you create a juicy discount for a new "Summer Startup Special" membership plan, offering 30% off for the first three months. You set it up as a discount code in your system, ready to be applied internally. But why stop there? You also generate a promo code linked to this discount, something catchy like "SUMMERGRIND2024".

Now you've got a two-pronged approach to flex space domination:

  1. Your team can apply the discount code directly when signing up new members who inquire about summer deals, giving them the power to close deals on the spot.

  2. You can blast that promo code across your social media, email newsletters, and maybe even partner with local business incubators to spread the word. Potential members can use this code when signing up online, feeling like they've discovered a secret treasure.

The result? A consistent discount strategy that works both internally and externally, giving you the best of both worlds and creating a buzz around your coworking space.

Real-world applications: ideas for discounts and creative promotions

Let's bring this down to earth with some actual applications:

  1. The Loyalty Ladder: Create a tiered discount system for long-term members. "LOYALFOR1YEAR" gives a 10% discount, "LOYALFOR2YEARS" bumps it to 15%, and so on. It's like a frequent flyer program, but for your coworking rockstars.

  2. Community Referral Program: Generate unique promo codes for each of your members. When they refer a friend who signs up, both the referrer and the newcomer get a discount. It's a win-win-win: new member, happy existing member, and a growing community for you. Try “BFF15” as a code.

  3. Partnerships for the Win: Team up with local businesses or professional organizations. Offer them unique promo codes to share with their networks. A "CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE20" code could bring in a whole new crowd of professionals to your space.

  4. Seasonal Flex: Use discount codes to manage your space occupancy during slow seasons. Create a "WINTERWARMER" discount that automatically applies to day passes during your typically quieter months.

  5. Event-Driven Growth: Hosting a big startup pitch event? Create a special "PITCHNIGHT" promo code that offers attendees a week of free coworking. It's a great way to convert one-time visitors into long-term members or free day pass users.

Discount codes and promo codes aren't just about helping members save a few bucks (although that's pretty helpful, too). They're about giving coworking professionals the tools to create flexible, targeted, and exciting offers that will keep your current members grinning and have potential members knocking down your door.

Remember, in the world of coworking, it's not just about the space — it's about creating a community that people want to be part of. And sometimes, that journey begins with a simple code that makes someone feel like they've found their tribe.