
Your space is where their ideas take shape

Operate your makerspace with purpose-built software to manage members and resources

Your space is where their ideas take shape
Coworks software for makerspaces and collaborative studios

With Coworks software, your makerspace can:

➡️ Organize and schedule equipment in your space

➡️ Let members reserve rooms and resources such as printers, tools, whiteboards, and more

➡️ Assign permissions according to usage skills and training

➡️ Track usage of resources and take them offline as repairs are needed

➡️ Encourage collaboration and networking among participants

➡️ Host and promote hands-on training, events, speakers, and workshops

And more!

Past, present, and future of makerspaces

We go into all of it during this Q&A with Dorothy Jones-Davis, Executive Director of Nation of Makers


Fabrication labs. Hacker spaces. Tech shops. Art studios. 

Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes, purposes and practical applications. Your space is unique and needs a software solution that can deliver the features you need in a way your management team can use quickly and easily.

How to choose the best management software for makerspaces

See how Coworks offers the right functions and community features for makerspace operations

Coworks software for makerspaces and art crafts member organizations