BIPOC Coworking Alliance

Update on the BIPOC Coworking Alliance

Here’s what you may have missed when we soft-launched the BIPOC Coworking Alliance during the June meeting of the IDEA Coworking Exchange:

One attendee is planning a new coworking space right now and had no idea there were other black and brown owned spaces.

Another has seen many a competitor come and go on a false promise of inclusion.

And yet another wants to make sure she visits other black and brown owned coworking spaces every time she travels.

These were just a few of the highlights from a vibrant and energetic conversation. And each attendee helped validate the need and the mission as we see it.

These are the top areas of focus we identified from the hour we spent together:

Directory - Let's help BIPOC coworking professionals find and connect to each other directly.

Fellowship - Let’s create a consolidated space where members can engage with one another.

Skillsharing - Let’s organize around location and space size, but also who can do what, who needs what and how we can help each other? 

Policy - Let’s give some thought to change we want to see systemically. What is the need? Who can we bring it to? How can we measure it?

Some of the more granular takeaways included:

  • Creating access and information around funding
  • Developing partnerships across the industry and ancillary services
  • Best practices in creating and designing safe spaces 
  • Promoting each other’s skills and talents

“We’ve been coworking since before colonization,” one attendee said, and we all stopped in our tracks. 

“Let's face it — this is draining and we're all tired. We need to fill our cup. We are 'othered out,” share another attendee, and all heads nodded vigorously.

The next steps are small by design — we are still taking our time bringing this Alliance together. (And doing so while running a coworking software business.) But if you’re curious and want to stay up on the latest, join us here. We’ll be sharing monthly updates.

Thanks for supporting us!

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