Coworks Blog

Taylor Mason's origin story of Talemaker and marketing for coworking

Written by L Walker | May 6, 2024


Taylor Mason's journey into the world of coworking space marketing began unexpectedly one chilly morning at a Toronto dog park. (It’s an adorable story.)

It was here that Mason, a seasoned public relations professional disillusioned with his field's commercialization, met Kevin Whelan—a fellow marketing consultant and dog owner. As Mason recalled, "It was a chance encounter that changed the trajectory of my whole life and got me a great friend in the process." Whelan pulls him into a project for a coworking space and the Talemaker story got its open chapter.

From PR to marketing for coworking spaces

Reflecting on his background, Mason shared, "I was working on huge campaigns for global brands, but as the media landscape changed, PR became more advertorial and less organic." 

The shift left him open to consider new avenues for his skills. 

His introduction to the flex industry through Whelan opened his eyes to the potential of coworking spaces. In fact, after a brief stint working from home, Mason sought a more vibrant work environment, and joined a coworking space himself. "That's where I really started to understand what coworking was and its benefits for people like me who were starting a business," he said.

Talemaker establishes the story

With a newfound passion for coworking spaces and a deep understanding of content marketing, Mason founded Talemaker. His firm helps coworking operators thrive through strategic marketing that bridges traditional strategies with the unique needs of growing a community. Mason's approach is all about enhancing visibility, attracting new members, and building collaborative environments through authentic storytelling and engagement.

His method involves a deep dive into the unique brand identity of each coworking space. He explained, "The biggest initial challenge is often the brand identity. Some operators have really defined brands and know their target audience, while others don’t." For those lacking clarity, Mason assists in defining who they are and whom they want to attract, which is crucial for crafting effective marketing strategies.

Tailored (Taylored?) solutions and content that connects

Mason emphasized the importance of customized marketing solutions. There are comprehensive packages on his web site, but as he explained, "We start with what they need and tailor a package for them." 

His focus on hyperlocal content is particularly effective, as illustrated by his work with a Tucson client: "The content we create accounts, on average, for between 25% and 30% of the site’s web traffic... we focus on interviewing local experts, ensuring that it attracts high-value traffic predominantly from the area."

An open mind for AI and future trends

Many coworking operators consider AI as a tool for content generation, publishing blog posts fast and furiously. But while recognizing the potential of AI in content creation, Mason advocates for a balanced approach. 

"AI can be a useful tool for overcoming writer's block and enhancing research," he said, but he warns against its overuse, which can dilute content quality. "But I wouldn’t recommend using it to write your content. Quality stands out, especially now that content saturation is so high," Mason noted, emphasizing the need for creativity and strategic thinking that is augmented, rather than replaced by AI.

Look to the future of coworking and marketing

Mason is enthusiastic about the evolution of coworking, particularly innovations like co-warehousing. "It’s hard to forecast exactly where the industry will go, but I’m loving seeing and would love to see more of the continued evolution," he said. This adaptability and openness to new models show the potential for coworking spaces to cater to a broader range of professionals and industries.

What makes Mason's approach effective is his hyper-focus on the flexible office space industry, understanding of what moves the needle for coworking space operators, and commitment to the coworking community. He leverages real stories and insights from space members, which not only enriches the marketing content but also strengthens community bonds. 

"We engage your community as much as we possibly can," Mason asserted, highlighting the reciprocal benefits of his marketing strategies. This community-focused approach helps enhance member retention and satisfaction, underpinning the success of both Talemaker and the coworking spaces it serves.

Mason's journey from a serendipitous, canine-focused meeting to becoming a deeply committed figure in coworking illustrates the power of adaptability and the importance of community in business strategy. His story is a testament to the impact of tailored, thoughtful marketing in the growing landscape of coworking spaces.

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