Empty office space? Try coworking!
Activate unused office space with a flex office coworking community. Now commercial real estate professionals don't have to sit on expensive...
Activate unused office space with a flex office coworking community. Now commercial real estate professionals don't have to sit on expensive...
Delight your members with coworking furniture that makes a statement, as well as serves functional and creative purposes. Read this list for...
We asked coworking operators: what is the biggest priority for 2024? They told us, and we're sharing their top three. The Third: host great member...
Sometimes raising the capital for a new coworking space or growing your existing operation is doable with a grant. Explore creative options and...
As demand for flex work rises, property management companies can meet this need themselves, with specialized software for in-house coworking space.
We wanted to talk to experts in coworking and flex interior office design systems, so we reached out to Belle Morales at The Sliding Door Company.
Coworking space operators should leverage apps for networking to project management, facilitating connections, driving efficiency, and delighting...
Dog friendly coworking is another way flex offices can provide genuine community and a better experience than fully remote or commuting to an office.
Creative communities attract all kinds of artists and makers. The coworking model applies to these as well, with best practices in management and...
Ready to grow your coworking space? But where do you start? Here is a beginner's guide to lead generation for coworking so you don't get overwhelmed.
Your coworking space utilities are more than just fixed monthly expenses. By benchmarking and finding opportunities, you start a money-saving...
How can ChatGPT help with the business of running a coworking space? Start with prompts. Because good results you can use only come from good...