Cat Johnson

Storytelling for lead gen in coworking

Recently, Cat Johnson of The Lab hosted a panel discussion that brought together four coworking mavens to explore the art of "Storytelling for Lead Generation."

Their insights paint a vivid picture of how narrative can transform marketing efforts and build thriving communities.

The power of the personal touch

Meagan Slavin 25NMeagan Slavin from 25N emphasized that while storytelling requires time and effort, the payoff is immeasurable. She challenged attendees by asking, “Why are members in your space, and more importantly, why do they stay?" 

By delving into these questions, coworking spaces can uncover the heart of their appeal and weave it into their narrative.

For 25N, the answer lies in their "people-based" approach. This simple yet profound insight guides their storytelling, making their space more memorable and offering potential members value they might not have initially considered. Slavin's advice? Don't overthink it. Some of the best campaigns happen quickly and aren't perfect. Give your team the autonomy to have fun and let authenticity shine through.

Painting with emotions

- Alex Steinman from The CovenAlex Steinman of The Coven approached storytelling from a unique angle: "How do you describe a new color?" This poetic question encapsulates The Coven's approach to conveying their unique value proposition. Coming from an advertising background, Steinman focused on evoking specific feelings in their audience.

The Coven's strategy involves sharing their founding story with community managers, providing a backbone for tours and member interactions. By aligning their journey — late nights, library work sessions, and extensive research —w ith the experiences of their target members, they create an instant connection. 

Steinman's key takeaway: "Tell your story. Nobody was born saying, 'I want to build a coworking space.'" By being vulnerable and authentic, spaces can invite prospects to see themselves as part of the narrative.

Know your UVP, aka your 'Why' and 'Who'

Kyle Steele The conduitKyle Steele from The Conduit stressed the importance of self-awareness in storytelling. Knowing what you are and for whom you exist allows you to craft a more compelling narrative. By clearly stating the kind of community you want to build, you naturally attract like-minded individuals.

Steele advocated for leveraging well-chosen imagery and sharing member success stories to highlight how coworking improves lives. He also introduced an intriguing concept: "Tell stories through your processes." 

For instance, The Conduit's onboarding isn't just a transaction; it's a conversation about fit and mutual value. This approach weaves storytelling into every interaction, reinforcing the space's identity and values.

Embrace your unique flight path

- Sofia Stolberg from Piloto 151Sofia Stolberg of Piloto 151 brought a unique perspective as Puerto Rico's coworking pioneer. Launching in 2013, Piloto 151 had to rely heavily on storytelling to introduce the concept of coworking to their market. Stolberg shared three key elements of their approach:

  1. Brand Mythology: Piloto 151's mascot, a pilot pigeon, emerged from an initial setback—pigeons ruining a freshly painted wall. Instead of seeing it as a problem, they embraced it, turning it into a cornerstone of their brand story.

  2. Traction Channels: Stolberg emphasized the importance of finding and leaning into marketing channels that resonate with your brand. For Piloto 151, this meant creating their own community through accelerators, hackathons, and meetups tailored to their ideal customer profile.

  3. Brand-Related Metaphors: The aviation theme permeates every aspect of Piloto 151's communication, from "Welcome aboard" greetings to performance reviews tied to values like "fly together" and "no autopilot."

Stories are the thread that binds

As diverse as these approaches are, a common theme emerges: authenticity. 

Whether it's 25N's people-first approach, The Coven's emotional resonance, The Conduit's community-centric vision, or Piloto 151's aviation-inspired brand, each space has found success by leaning into what makes them unique.

In coworking, where community is the product, storytelling isn't just a marketing tactic—it's the very fabric that binds members together. By weaving compelling narratives, these spaces aren't just filling desks; they're creating homes away from home, fueling dreams, and fostering connections that transcend the physical space.

As the coworking industry continues to evolve, those who master the art of storytelling will find themselves not just surviving, but soaring to new heights, carried aloft by the power of their narratives and the strength of the communities they build.

Special thanks to Hector Kolonas of Syncaroo and the amazing newsletter This Week in Coworking for his stellar and nearly instantaneous notes.

Coworking Convos is a monthly virtual event series hosted by Cat Johnson. In each conversation, a different topic is presented by guests with real experience, who are subject matter experts and walk the walk in the coworking and flex space industry.

Coworks is a sponsor of Coworking Convos, and we have the privilege of sharing these dispatches afterward — spotlighting the juicy tidbits and powerful takeaways shared in the hour-long conversation. 

But by no means does this replace the real value of being there! Check out the next Convo and be in the room when it happens. 

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