Cool Coworking Space Spotlight

SalesHQ is made with the secret sauce for sales success

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Vince Beese

Vince Beese has spent over 25 years working alongside high-performing sales professionals, helping them succeed and grow. 

His journey has covered scaling startups, rising to revenue challenges, leading companies to successful exits, and serving in senior roles at major organizations. But his passion has always been the same: empowering salespeople. 

This led him to create SalesHQ, a “co-selling community” specially designed for sales professionals who want to push themselves and thrive in a collaborative environment.

What do high performers need? Each other.

When Beese founded SalesHQ, it wasn’t just another coworking space. He wanted to create a place where top-performing sales professionals could connect, challenge each other, and learn. 

"If you’re in a private office by yourself every day, you're not going to grow," Beese says. "You need to be around others who do what you do, to learn and feed off each other’s energy."

Beese compares this to athletes training together. "If you’re an Olympic athlete training by yourself, you’ll be good. But train with other Olympians? You'll be even better." SalesHQ is designed to offer that same dynamic — a community where sales professionals can thrive, exchange ideas, and boost their productivity. It’s not just about sharing a space; it’s about sharing a mindset.

Body doubling and the power of your neighbors 

One SalesHQ member joined because working from home led to distractions. In the shared environment at SalesHQ, he and others like him experience something called “body doubling,” the idea that having others physically near you that are workinghard will, in turn, help you focus more effectively on his tasks. 

"When you’re surrounded by others who are putting in the work, it creates an energy that keeps you focused and motivated," Beese explains. This kind of energy is crucial for sales professionals, where staying focused can be the difference between meeting quotas and missing them.

SAles HQ photo

Programming that helps move the needle

SalesHQ’s success isn’t just about putting salespeople in a room together; it’s about creating programming that supports their growth. Beese and his team have developed three key programs to foster this:

  1. Monthly masterclasses – Each month, SalesHQ brings in experts to dive deep into relevant topics, providing actionable insights that members can immediately apply.   
  1. Live podcasts – Beese hosts leaders who share their personal sales journeys—how they started, how they achieved success, and how they moved into management. These stories inspire SalesHQ members to envision their own paths forward. These are broadcast on the company's lively LinkedIn page.

  2. Networking events – Sometimes, it's just about connecting. SalesHQ hosts regular networking events where members can relax, share stories, and build deeper relationships. "Sales is hard work, and it’s important to take a step back and celebrate once in a while," Beese notes.

Why SalesHQ isn’t your traditional coworking space

Beese is clear that SalesHQ isn’t just a place to park your laptop; it’s an environment designed to improve sales performance. “We’re not just another office,” he says. “This is a place where sales professionals can come to perform at a higher level.”

Citing a 2024 HubSpot Sales Trends study, Beese explains, “Salespeople are 28% more likely to meet their sales goals in a hybrid office environment compared to being fully remote or fully in-office.” The hybrid model, which combines the flexibility of remote work with the collaborative benefits of a shared environment like SalesHQ, is the future of high-performing sales teams.

And for companies, the value is clear: SalesHQ helps sales teams perform better. “Salespeople working fully remote are 34% less likely to meet their sales goals and are twice as likely to churn,” Beese says, from the same report, emphasizing the role that community plays in preventing isolation and burnout.

Building relationships, one conversation at a time

Beese also focuses on building personal connections, not only within the SalesHQ community but with local businesses and leaders in the sales space. Whether it’s through LinkedIn, hosting masterclasses, or simply inviting new contacts to come chat at the space instead of meeting at a coffee shop, Beese knows the power of relationships. “The power of the network is amazing if you use it authentically,” he says.

Coming to a SalesHQ near you

Beese envisions SalesHQ in multiple cities, offering specialized co-selling hubs where salespeople can come together, whether they’re flying in for a meeting or building a local team. “WeWork laid the blueprint for shared spaces, but they didn’t specialize,” Beese explains. “SalesHQ is that specialized hub for sales professionals.”

His vision for the future is big, but the essence of SalesHQ will always be the same: a community where sales professionals push each other to grow, succeed, and become the best versions of themselves. "It's about creating an environment where people come in and feel connected, supported, and driven," Beese says. And in today’s world, where hybrid work is becoming the norm, that environment is more important than ever.

For Vince Beese, SalesHQ is more than just a business; it’s a mission to help sales professionals do what they do best —sell, connect, and thrive.

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