gwa 2024

How do coworking spaces get even more flexible? Deliver on-demand.

When I attended the Global Workspace Association’s FlexForward conference in Phoenix this month, I found myself at the center of some seriously forward-thinking conversations about the future of coworking and flex spaces. 

The theme that stood out in every session and conversation was this: the demand for flexibility is growing, and spaces that adapt to this need will thrive.

After talking with operators who stopped by our booth and chatted after the sessions, one thing became abundantly clear: while long-term memberships remain the backbone of coworking business models, spaces that offer more on-demand services — like day passes and guest conference/office rental—are positioning themselves for long-term success. 

GWA 2024 stage

The ability to say “yes” to the traveler needing a desk for a day, or the local entrepreneur looking for occasional meeting space, is now a must-have feature.

Additionally, large companies are investing more in coworking and specifically on-demand-services for their team. In fact, according to LiquidSpace CEO Mark Gilbreath, on-demand revenue has grown 62% YoY, with the lion's share of that growth being attributed to the enterprise customer. Hybrid and distributed teams lean on coworking for team meetings or to enable employees to have drop-in workspaces. 

Listen to the market

Coworking is no longer just for startups or freelancers looking for a full-time base. The market now includes a wide variety of professionals — remote workers, digital nomads, corporate teams, and even those who just need a change of scenery for a day or two. It was inspiring to hear from operators who are already adjusting to this demand, offering flexible, on-demand solutions to capture a wider audience.

At the conference, we discussed our ability to offer bundled day passes — perfect for users who need flexible space access but don’t want to commit to a monthly membership. Another operator talked about accommodating traveling professionals, making their space as accessible and easy to use as a coffee shop, but with the added benefits of privacy, professionalism, and community. 

We also discussed accommodating the “pay-per-use” model or the ‘corporate team’ model where you can sell a recurring number of day passes each month to share between a team in a shared office or open space. 

This allows them to pay for a limited usage knowing that all of their employees won't be using the space at the same time on each day. However, without the proper software platform (like Coworks) to track and automate usage capture, this operational overhead is simply not worth it.

This is the future of coworking: not just the “either/or” of long-term membership or nothing, but the “yes, and” of multiple options to fit different needs. It’s about being nimble, giving people what they want when they need it. However, creating that seamless and delightful experience is critical to ensuring these customers come back, refer their friends, and provide meaningful revenue.

GWA 2024 booth

Software is the key to keeping up with demand

I hope operators recognize that this shift toward on-demand solutions can’t be handled manually. The logistics of managing day passes, tracking usage, processing payments, and ensuring smooth access for guests without too much friction — that’s where software becomes essential.

With the right systems in place, it’s much easier to offer flexible access without sacrificing operational efficiency or member experience. Technology can automate the things that used to require more manual work, freeing up managers to focus on community-building rather than endless logistics.

What about the doors?

One concern that came up at the GWA conference was how to balance safety and security while serving on-demand customers.

With the increase in short-term and guest access, keeping the space locked while making it easy for on-demand users to check-in is critical. Door access systems have emerged as a big part of the solution.

I was able to share how our integration with door access systems allows on-demand members to easily gain temporary access to your space, whether they’ve purchased a day pass or booked a meeting room. Providing a fully integrated experience with the Coworks public booking platforms ensures seamless guest access directly from your website while maintaining secure entry.

It’s not just about ease of use; it’s about keeping everyone safe. With more short-term users, the importance of knowing exactly who is in your space at any given time can’t be overstated. A well-integrated access system makes that possible without adding an extra burden to your staff or sacrificing the experience for your guests.

Flexibility as your competitive edge

The most exciting takeaway for me at FlexForward was seeing how the forward-thinking operators embrace this shift. To be nimble, to offer on-demand services and flexible access, is quickly becoming a competitive edge in this industry. 

The coworking world is moving fast, and spaces that don’t adapt to this need for flexibility may find themselves falling behind. 

But for those who do? The potential is huge. 

By saying “yes” to new ways of working, to flexible access, and to on-demand solutions, operators can create thriving, diverse communities that meet the needs of today’s professionals — whether they need a desk for a year, a week, or just a day.

If one thing was clear from my time at the GWA conference, it’s that the future of coworking is all about balance: between long-term stability and short-term flexibility, between ease of use and security, and between serving established members and welcoming new ones. 

The good news? 

With the right approach and the right tools, we can do it all. And I’m happy to help with both! Just give me a shout deshawn@coworks.com

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