Coworks Blog

Community Manager of the Year nominee William Hatfield

Written by L Walker | Jul 30, 2024

Imagine a space where entrepreneurial dreams take flight and community thrives. At the helm of one such dynamic hub is William Hatfield, the Community Manager at The Work Well, whose dedication has earned him a nomination for the prestigious Community Manager of the Year award by the Global Workspace Association (GWA). The finalist will be announced at the GWA FlexForward 2024 conference in Phoenix.

With the suspense building towards the announcement of the finalist at the upcoming GWA conference in Phoenix, Michelle Stiegler of Premier Workspaces dives deep into a candid conversation with Hatfield. Their discussion reveals the passion, challenges, and unique experiences that define Hatfield's role and impact. This isn't just an interview; it's an exploration of the spirit behind a thriving coworking community.

When asked about his previous experience in the industry, Hatfield shared his diverse background in hospitality, sales, account, and client relations. "I had been part of hospitality, sales, account and client relations for pretty much my entire career," Hatfield began. "The first job that I had was working corporate sales and event planning for large convention destination hotels for a company that did that and was a third-party contractor at places like Marriott's, the Hilton's, places like that."

Hatfield’s journey at The Work Well began through his parent company, Caldwell. "I joined Caldwell, which is our parent company, in a marketing role there and was in marketing for the first five years of my career with Caldwell, and had been here at The Work Well for the previous six years."

Building community through service

Hatfield’s transition from marketing to community management was driven by his desire to serve others and be part of a team. "One of my strengths anytime I've just kind of evaluated my work skills, my personality and professional skills, is trying to be a resource and a team player to help others achieve their goals," Hatfield explained. "When we started kicking around the idea of The Work Well and what this concept was going to be, it really kind of tugged at my customer service heart."

The Work Well, located in a three-story Class A office building in northwest Houston, offers a blend of private offices and open coworking spaces. "We have 70 private offices of various sizes and configurations, starting with one desk, one person offices, and then going up to our larger corner suites, which can have as many as four to five desks," Hatfield detailed. "We provide conference rooms, a podcast booth, a business center, and virtual and live answering membership services."

Creating connections and fostering growth

One of Hatfield’s most rewarding aspects of his job is helping entrepreneurs and business owners find the right solutions for their needs. "I love meeting with people who have an entrepreneurial spirit," he said. "For some people, it could be just wanting to be surrounded by other professionals, other adults. For others, it’s about starting and growing their business, and we work really hard to make sure we create a communal feel."

Hatfield shared a memorable example of community building when he connected a counselor looking to expand her practice with a day-pass user needing a consistent office space. "I connected him with her, and they arranged it so he shares her office one day a week. He recently thanked me, saying, 'My patients are so much more comfortable knowing they have a consistent spot.' It was affirmation that getting to know your members beyond casual greetings pays dividends."

Random yet meaningful encounters

When asked about the most random thing he had to do as a community manager, Hatfield recounted a humorous incident. "One of our members, who has a tax preparation business, asked if she could leave a vehicle parked in our lot for a week or two. She then said, 'I bought an ambulance.' They’re starting a mobile wellness business," Hatfield laughed. "We now have a funky-colored ambulance parked in our lot. It’s pretty random but memorable."

Hatfield described the ideal community manager as a "corporate concierge" who genuinely cares about the members and goes above and beyond to help them succeed. "I want people to hear your smile when you're talking to them, whether you're with them in person or on the phone," he said. "We are both associates and competitors, and what sets us apart is creating a communal feel where members feel like they're not just another tenant but part of a community."

One of the challenges Hatfield faces is balancing the needs of the members with the business interests of The Work Well. "It can be a challenge sometimes to walk that fine line," he admitted. "I try to always give the benefit of the doubt, but you also need to be mindful of protecting the business. Saying no is hard, but sometimes it’s necessary."

Hatfield’s dedication to his role is evident in his problem-solving approach. He shared a story about helping a member resolve an IT issue that had stumped other coworking spaces. "I spent about 30 minutes troubleshooting and got it resolved," he said. "It’s about exhausting every avenue to resolve an issue and thinking outside the box."

Creating community through events

The Work Well places a strong emphasis on community events to foster connections. "Last year, we did 68 total events, 30 of which were public, and the rest were member-only events," Hatfield noted. "We have monthly happy hours, food trucks, business lunch and learns, ice cream socials, and hydration stations. These events create opportunities for members to connect, have fun, and collaborate."

William Hatfield’s passion for building community and helping members succeed shines through in his role as Community Manager at The Work Well. His dedication to service, problem-solving skills, and ability to create meaningful connections make him a strong contender for Community Manager of the Year. As he looks forward to the GWA conference in Phoenix, Hatfield remains committed to fostering a supportive and thriving coworking environment.

For Coworks, sponsoring the Community Manager Awards for the third year is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the coworking movement.

As a company dedicated to providing space management software solutions, we recognize the invaluable role these folks play in shaping successful community spaces. Read about last year’s nominees.