gwa 2024

From Ritz Carlton to The Post: Community Manager of the Year nominee Chelsea Dietz

When Michelle Stiegler of Premier Workspaces dialed in for an interview with Chelsea Dietz, Community Manager at The Post Workspaces, the conversation was more than just a routine check-in. It was part of Chelsea's nomination process for Community Manager of the Year through the Global Workspace Association (GWA), a recognition that reflects Chelsea's impactful work in the coworking industry. The finalist will be announced at the GWA FlexForward 2024 conference in Phoenix.

A shift from hospitality to coworking

Chelsea Dietz's career trajectory took a significant turn from the hospitality industry to the coworking space sector. "I was in the hospitality industry my entire life," Dietz shared. "Before coming here, I had a couple of odd jobs during COVID after being laid off, but my main career was restaurant management for the Ritz Carlton."

Dietz's role at the Ritz Carlton was extensive and hands-on. "I did everything from running a small team, scheduling, payroll, inventory, and food ordering, to being a floor manager during operational hours and helping plan and execute banquets. I've done it all," she explained.

Stiegler noted the impressive reputation of the Ritz Carlton and shared how her own company had hired a Ritz Carlton speaker for a managers' meeting. "They're amazing," Stiegler said.

Dietz agreed, revealing that her current employer was also inspired by the Ritz Carlton's principles. "The owner and the director of our company saw that speaker and were so inspired that they modeled a big part of our program after the Ritz Carlton," Dietz said. "When I came in for an interview, I saw the little credo card modeled after the Ritz Carlton's. I thought that was so cool."

Navigating the challenges of COVID-19

The transition to coworking came during a challenging time. "I went on maternity leave in early February 2020 to have my son, and then I got furloughed because of COVID. The hotel shut down, and I was laid off officially in October," Dietz recalled. "But it got me to where I am now, and I'm very happy here."

At The Post Workspaces, Dietz found a role that resonated with her hospitality background while providing new challenges and opportunities. "In looking through new career paths, I wanted to stay in a face-to-face environment. I came across their job posting, and their goals and company design resonated with what we taught at the Ritz," she said. "I was upfront about not having done this before, but I felt I could learn the rest, and I think I've done a pretty good job."

Creating connections in a boutique environment

The Post Workspaces isn't a massive coworking behemoth. "We're just over 8,000 square feet with 205 active members," Dietz said. "It's not huge, but I know everybody by first name, and we have relationships with everyone. We’re constantly expanding and have added on additional space."

Dietz's role also includes property management responsibilities. "The owner has been the broker for the building for over 40 years, and we've recently taken over property management," she said. "I handle that, too."

Embracing the flexibility and social aspects of coworking

What does Dietz love most about the coworking industry? "The flexibility day to day," she answered. "You see so many different people doing so many different things. I love introducing people to one another and helping build connections between companies and individuals."

Her enthusiasm for community building is evident in the variety of events she organizes. "We've done wine and chocolate nights, Halloween parties with pumpkin carving, and Christmas parties with our owner dressed as Santa," Dietz said. "We also hosted a big event to raise money for breast cancer awareness, which included a silent auction and art exhibit."

Dietz's ability to handle unexpected challenges is a testament to her adaptability. "The most random thing I've done? Probably helping a member edit their resume," she laughed. "But we do it all."

Building emergencies are part of the job, too. "My second week here, the entire building flooded," she recounted. "We got the water shut off and cleaned up quickly. Luckily, no personal items were damaged."

The multifaceted role of a community manager

When asked about the ideal community manager, Dietz emphasized the multifaceted nature of the role. "We're here to facilitate our members' workday, whether it's setting up rooms, stocking coffee, or making connections," she said. "If people ask what I do, I say, 'I'm here for you. What do you need?'"

Explaining her job to friends, she added, "We facilitate connections between members and hold events to help them get to know each other. We're social butterflies."

Building a true community

Dietz prides herself on the unique, close community at The Post Workspaces. "Because it's smaller, it's much more tight-knit," she explained. "We do a lot more member building and socializing. It's like a home away from home."

The biggest challenge? "Multi-tasking effectively," Dietz admitted. "We wear many hats, and as spaces get larger, it’s challenging with a smaller staff. But we just hired an assistant community manager, which helps."

Looking to the future, Dietz is excited about attending her first GWA event in Phoenix. "The amount of resources GWA provides is amazing, from webinars to networking," she said. "I haven't attended an event yet because we've been too busy, but I'm looking forward to it."

As Chelsea Dietz continues to build and nurture her community at The Post Workspaces, her dedication and passion are evident. Whether it's hosting a festive event, managing a crisis, or simply being there for her members, she embodies the spirit of a true community manager, making her a worthy nominee for Community Manager of the Year.

For Coworks, sponsoring the Community Manager Awards for the third year is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the coworking movement.

As a company dedicated to providing space management software solutions, we recognize the invaluable role these folks play in shaping successful community spaces. Read about last year’s nominees.

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