Cool Coworking Space Spotlight

Alison Rogers shares the birth of Blush Cowork

In a recent interview with Jamie Russo on the “Everything Coworking” podcast, Alison Rogers, founder of Blush Cowork in Cary, North Carolina, shared her personal journey of turning the challenges of pandemic parenting into a thriving coworking space designed for working parents. 

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Like many during the early days of COVID-19, Alison Rogers found herself juggling an impossible mix — virtual schooling, a preschooler, and the demands of her career. “I did not have a meeting where my three-year-old wasn’t in my lap,” she recalled, with a mix of exasperation and humor. And while her husband was also working from home, Russo pointed out that the kids knew whose lap was always open for business.

The struggle was real, and like countless other working moms, Rogers felt overwhelmed. The pressure to perform at work hadn’t slowed down, but her ability to manage it all had reached its limit. “They expected us to be even more productive,” she remembered, “but I was not a teacher. I couldn’t work 12 hours a day and take care of all the childcare needs of my family.”

When Rogers was laid off during the pandemic, it felt like the final blow. Yet, as often happens in times of crisis, an idea began to take shape.

A personal need turns into a business

Blush Cowork wasn’t just borne out of a grand entrepreneurial vision — it started as a way to solve Rogers’ own problem. 

With two young boys and a deep understanding of how challenging it was to find reliable childcare, especially during a pandemic, she decided to create a space that combined coworking with onsite childcare.

“I was thinking, I’m probably not the only one,” Rogers said. “Cary is such a vibrant community for families with young kids, and it’s so hard to get children into childcare.” With the area’s high cost of childcare and long waitlists, Rogers knew there was a real need for what she was envisioning.

The concept of coworking with childcare wasn’t new — Rogers had researched similar models across the country, like The Coven in Minneapolis and St. Paul. But nothing quite like this existed in Cary, North Carolina, where she lived. So, she began working on what would become Blush Cowork in 2021, leaning into her experience and drive, and creating a solution for parents like herself.

A supportive community and a new model for coworking

Cary, North Carolina boasts the highest percentage of remote workers in the country, with over 41% of its residents working from home. For Rogers, the local demand was clear. “It felt like a slam dunk,” she told Russo. Blush became a space that offered much more than just a desk — it became a haven for working parents, a place where community and flexibility took center stage.

At first, Blush partnered with a sitter service to handle the childcare side of the business. “It was great,” Rogers explains, “because they provided reliable sitters who could be subbed in when needed.” But it wasn’t enough. The parents who used Blush wanted more than just babysitting—they were looking for structure, engagement, and a sense of learning for their kids.

That’s when Rogers pivoted. 

Blush partnered with Hopscotch Lab, a local education provider, to introduce a curriculum-based childcare program. “It is a Montessori-style curriculum, and it immediately clicked with parents,” Rogers shares. “The program became sustainable, and parents were much happier with the more structured approach.”

Running not one, but two businesses

Image+from+iOS+(24)Running Blush is no small feat. For Rogers, managing two businesses — coworking and childcare — requires a delicate balance. “It’s hard,” she admits. “On the surface, the childcare might look like a fantastic amenity, but behind the scenes, it’s just as much work, if not more, than the coworking side.

But for Rogers, the challenge is worth it. The childcare program is self-sustaining, provides well-paying jobs, and aligns with Blush’s core values of supporting families. “It’s never going to be a huge moneymaker,” Rogers said candidly. “But I can’t imagine the space without it. It’s integral to who we are.”

Blush’s flexible childcare options allow parents to book slots in advance or even on the same day, which has been a lifeline for many. 

“Parents can schedule up to three months ahead or see if there’s an open slot for that day,” Rogers explained, when Russo asked about the model. This flexibility is vital for the members of Blush, who juggle work, meetings, and the unpredictable nature of parenting.

The impact of community: More than just coworking

One of the most rewarding aspects of running Blush, Rogers says, has been watching the entrepreneurial spirit flourish among her members. “It’s been such a surprise,” she said. “We’ve had people leave corporate jobs to pursue their passions, and they tell me it’s because of the community we’ve built here.”

Blush isn’t just a space to work — it’s a place where connections are made, and ideas are sparked. From women starting their own businesses to others growing their existing ones, the environment Rogers has created has been a catalyst for many. “It’s been one of the best surprises,” she told Rusos, clearly smiling. “To see women not just survive, but thrive, and to know that I played a part in that—it’s incredible.”

A business for working parents, by a working parent

Blush Cowork is a reflection of Rogers’ own journey — a space that solves the problems she experienced firsthand. It’s a coworking space, yes, but it’s also a community hub for parents, a place where working moms and dads can thrive professionally without sacrificing time with their children.

Rogers understands the need for flexibility, and Blush’s model reflects that. Parents can use the childcare full-time or drop in as needed. “We have parents who use it five days a week, and others who just need it occasionally when their regular childcare falls through,” she said.

While Blush is geared toward women, it’s an inclusive space. “We have lots of dads who come here,” Rogers noted. “Our space is open to anyone who shares our values.”

Coworks software: Making childcare booking feel easy

To help manage both the coworking space and the childcare booking process, Rogers turned to Coworks, a space management software based right in her own backyard in North Carolina. “I love working with local companies,” she explained. “And Coworks was a natural choice. They’re adaptable, they get our needs, and they’ve really tailored their tools to fit what we do here at Blush.”

Coworks allows Blush members to book everything from meeting rooms to childcare slots through the same interface. “It’s so easy,” Rogers explained. “Members just open the app, select the booking tab for childcare, and they can see all available slots. Whether they need four hours on a Friday or just want to schedule a month in advance, they can handle it all in the app.”

What makes Coworks so valuable to Blush is its user-friendly approach. “When non-members book a conference room, I don’t have to do anything — it’s all automated. And the same goes for childcare,” Rogers adds. The software has allowed her to streamline her operations, making sure parents can easily manage their childcare needs while Rogers focuses on running the business. “It’s one of the best decisions I made. Coworks has become a crucial part of how Blush operates.”

Blush Cowork and the serious business of working parents

Flexibility is great when it comes to work hours, but less so when children have teacher workdays, track out weeks, or long holiday breaks. Not to mention when a global pandemic shuts down schools, camps, and daycares.



As Blush grows up

As Blush continues to grow, Rogers is excited about what the future holds. There are plans for after-school programs and more offerings for parents who need that extra bit of support. “We’ve figured out a way to make it work,” she shared, with a quiet confidence. And that’s no small feat in a world where balancing work and parenting often feels impossible.

For Alison Rogers, Blush Cowork is more than just a business. It’s a solution, a community, and a space where working parents can find the support they need to thrive. And for the parents who walk through Blush’s doors every day, it’s a place where they can have it all: work, community, and family — all under one roof.

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